MW Installed Capacity
Voting for the environment
A. Daga Group is of the opinion that if we care for the nature, it will take of us in return. It has turned these thoughts into action by maintaining a flourishing plantation of 50+ acres. It has also tapped sustainable alternatives of energy through a windmill project. Within the walls of its work setup, it complies with stringent Ethical Environmental Practices in all its processes. Little surprise, that it is one of the rare institutions that generates Carbon Credits in accordance with international standards towards environmental responsibilities.
Educating the leaders of tomorrow
Education holds the power and promise to uplift the lives of the underprivileged. That is why A. Daga Group has contributed its time, efforts and resources to establish a Primary School in Pali, Rajasthan in 1998. It helped students develop the skills, knowledge and values needed to lead a fulfilling life. Recently it has been upgraded to 10th standard and has been handed over to the Government of Rajasthan. A. Daga Group is one of the very few institutions who empowered 12,900+ students to make their mark on the world.
Responsibility towards the Environment
An environmentally ethical and compliant company, we understand our responsibilities towards nature and take all actions required to restore whatever we take from it. We maintain a plantation spread over 25 acres on a regular basis. Our investment in harnessing wind energy by setting up a windmill power project is another step towards a clean and green environment. In the process, we generate Carbon Credits in accordance with international treaty meeting world class standards towards environmental responsibilities