Plastic Corrugated Sheet



Every Australian over 18 is required by law to register to vote and to participate in federal elections. Anyone who doesn’t show up on Election Day is fined.

Voting Screens: A shield of confidentiality

Research reveals little chimpanzees are observed to hide their food and avoid eating it when other chimps are around. Whether humans reveal the same tendencies for food or no is something that is yet to be verified. But when it comes to voting it can be assured that there is no need to wait for people to clear out anymore. Thanks to voting screens. Just pull one out and cast your vote in the most secretive manner.

Voting Screens presented by A. Daga Group are thoughtfully designed to be placed on top of a table. Their flexible design patterns can allow multiple screens to fit on the same table, while ensuring the privacy of individual voters. The voting screens, though look simple, are packed with a suite of features to ensure transparent elections.
· They are easily transformed from flat-packed sheets to working voting screens in no time
· Their simple and quick assembly helps save time and efforts on a busy election day
· Being light weight and easy to carry, they offer convenience of packing, transporting and installing wherever needed
· Specially manufactured water-resistant and dust-resistant material makes it perfect for usage even in difficult terrains
· They have a small window for cords to pass through for lamps, EVMs, etc.
· Post elections, they can be refolded into flat packs and stored for the next elections
· Made of cloth, cardboard, flex or PP corrugated sheets, the screens offer you a choice to suit your needs the best, while portraying a professional       presentation

Reaching out far and wide
Voting screens make the voting process accessible to all citizens. An inadequate number or unequal distribution of polling stations can limit the ability of some citizens to participate.
These convenient screens make it possible to have more polling stations in densely populated areas and also help the officials reach out to voters in sparsely populated areas much more conveniently. Voting screens are especially useful when multiple people vote at one time. The screens give more access to people in less time, helping cut down precious time for one and all. This method helps give real and authentic results.
A. Daga Group believes that voting screens are a fundamental unit of elections. Every screen offers utmost privacy at the elections to give citizens the freedom to vote for the candidate of their choice. Even if the walls have ears, it is guaranteed that the voting screens by A. Daga Group do not have any ears, or eyes for that matter.

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